Canada Talks’ Krystal Nation features author Michael Wolff

Michael Wolff
PHILADELPHIA, PA - JANUARY 16: Author Michael Wolff discusses his controversial book on the Trump administration titled "Fire and Fury" on January 16, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Trump's lawyer had previously sent a cease-and-desist letter to the author and publisher of the book claiming that it was defamatory and libelous and should not be published or distributed. (Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images)

The man who wrote the insider Trump White House sensation Fire and Fury (line ups to get copies, wall-to-wall media coverage, SNL sketches, etc.) Michael Wolff joins me for an exclusive interview. Here he discusses the state and fate of the Trump Presidency — what is going to happen? And what are the long-time associates of Trump saying about his reelection and about a potential catastrophe?

Wolff’s first book helped get Trump’s campaign architect, Steve Bannon, fired. Then, Bannon spoke to Wolff candidly —  no BS, tough. Since his firing, you should now hear what Bannon has to say! Michael Wolff has a relationship with Bannon that few have. No one knows Trump better than Bannon.

From Kelly to Mattis, in the book Siege: Trump Under Fire we see inside the Trump Presidency and the advisers: the agonies of respected men who try to serve the President as the inner circle; the difficulties dealing with Trump’s lack of knowledge and impulsiveness: one moment Trump will say one thing and have a strong position on whatever that is, and by the afternoon he has done a one-eighty. How to cope?

Born of reality television, a flawed political opponent, sexism, racism, anger, and white rust-belt anxieties, the “why-not-try-Trump vote” squeaked across the finish line in 2016 — with Russian help. Now, America is bedraggled and encumbered by a man who initially ran as a promotional lark — and won; a man totally unequipped to handle the job before him and fed by an unbridled narcissism and an over-compensated for insecurity and a compulsion for validation, Trump is a President unlike any other.

Wolff has the inside story on this American train wreck.

Trump hates the book Siege: Trump Under Fire — and Michael Wolff’s return. It is no wonder.