Meet Sarah Burke – the “new girl” on SiriusXM The Verge

Hi! I’m Sarah Burke. A.K.A. “new girl” here at The Verge on SiriusXM channel 173.
My show launched this week and I’ll be talking your ears off 12-4pm weekdays. I wanted to tell you a bit about myself and how to get a hold of me to talk about music or ask me about something I said on the show.
It’s a given here, but I’ll say it anyway. I LOVE live music. To quote a wonderful Canadian band called The Salads, “MUSIC EVERYDAY!” I often get to know someone by asking them about their favourite type of music. It says a lot about a person, doesn’t it? Imagine my face when someone says, “I don’t really listen to music.” That sound was my jaw hitting the floor.
For any mood, for any time of the day, there is a song to be played. You are in control of the soundtrack that goes along with your life, and that means it’s more than ok to blast Jann Arden and sing every damn word if you want to. It’s ok to listen to July Talk’s new record OVER AND OVER again until you’re sick of it because you love it that much (and I do). Music is subjective and I encourage you to OWN your playlist. Be proud of it. Sing it loud. Share it with everyone who didn’t even ask.
I think that’s what we try to do here at The Verge. We want to share new & emerging Canadian talent with you that we think deserves some ears. If you love a song, tell us! If we haven’t played a song yet that you think we should, tell us! And please, never be shy to send me a tweet @BurkeTalks with a song or comment or picture of your puppy wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs Jersey. I’m totally into that.
Here’s to more Canadian musicians getting us foot-tapping, hip-swaying, and head-bopping!
Share more music, it’s good for the soul.
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