Our best streaming package
The ultimate entertainment experience, featuring our expertly curated ad-free music and exclusive artist created channels, our premium sports coverage with live play-by-play from every major sport, and sports talk including all of our official league and college conference channels. You also get Howard Stern, exclusive comedy, talk and news. Discover even more with Xtra music channels for any mood or activity, podcasts including SiriusXM originals, personalized Artist Stations, and SiriusXM video including Howard Stern.
425+ channels to stream with the SiriusXM app
Ad-free music for every genre & decade plus artist-created channels
Original talk, podcasts, exclusive comedy & news from every angle
NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NCAA play-by-play, NASCAR and PGA TOUR, plus the biggest names in sports talk
2 Howard Stern channels, including video
Personalized ad-free music streaming with Artist Stations
SiriusXM video library of in-studio shows & performances
Exclusive Content
What you get with Streaming Platinum
All the ways to listen
Smart speakers
Home audio
Smart TVs
Casting devices
Gaming systems
Streaming devices
Smart speakers
Smart TVs
Home audio
Gaming systems
Casting devices
Streaming devices